Wim Hof Method @ Kam's

Wim Hof Method @ Kam's 

First group session at my house to implement WHM and cold therapy with four of my fellow Brazilian Jiu Jitsu martial artist brethren ~ Professor Kevin (black belt), Blair (brown belt), Andy (brown belt), John (white belt), and myself (purple belt).

We followed the agenda and protocol covered in these slides that I'm posting here to share with everyone in the spirit of shared knowledge and growth for all.

We did two rounds of breath therapy followed by one cold immersion.

First round of breath work was just to get used to the WHM of breathing but we also tracked time during the exhaled Retention period.  We did two sets of 30-35 breath reps in this first session.

The second session consisted of three rounds of 30-40 reps with recorded times during the retention period.  Times in the below table are approximate ~ i.e., not exact!👍


Andy's immersion ~ he hates the cold and didn't really prepare himself using cold showers prior to this.

Blair going in ~ his breathing was pretty fast going in but he settled after the initial shock.

John's intensity clearly shows on his face...focused & determined!
Kevin always willing to push himself!

Finally me!  I've more accustomed to the cold since I've been doing it for a bit and comfortable to joke around, tho I began to shiver a bit all the same.


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